Carrier's 59TP6 Furnace
Explore the Carrier 59TP6 Furnace
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Details on the Carrier 59TP6 Furnace
Supported by the Performance Edge® thermostat and a variable-speed blower motor, this two stage furnace will run in low stage up to 90% of the time. Longer, low-stage run times give you better energy efficiency, better temperature control and increased comfort. It also assures you quieter performance. Variable-speed blower operation also aids other system components and can help make your air conditioning system more efficient and improve summer dehumidification. Additionally, SmartEvap™ technology gives cooling condensation time to drain away to prevent rehumidification. SmartEvap can reduce humidity by up to 10%.
59TP6 Furnace Highlights
- Two-stage gas valve
- ComfortFan technology
- Variable speed blower motor
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