Mitsubishi's MFZ-KJ Ductless
Explore the Mitsubishi MFZ-KJ Ductless
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Quick Overview
Details on the Mitsubishi MFZ-KJ Ductless
This product requires a compatible outdoor condenser for functionality. For over 50 years, Mitsubishi has remained at the forefront of the mini split industry thanks to their dedication to providing efficient, user-friendly comfort solutions. The MFZ-KJ18NA-U1 is a floor standing heat pump mini split indoor unit for use in single-zone or multi-zone systems. The sturdy design quietly operates providing comfort without disrupting your space. Mitsubishi's floor standing indoor units are a great alternative for rooms where you don't have the ceiling height or wall space to allow for a wall mounted unit.
MFZ-KJ Ductless Highlights
- Trane/Mitsubishi floor mount indoor unit
- Ideal for rooms with limited wall space
- Washable filters
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