Mitsubishi's MSZ-HM Ductless
Explore the Mitsubishi MSZ-HM Ductless
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Quick Overview
Details on the Mitsubishi MSZ-HM Ductless
Split System Hyper-Heat Heat Pump Evaporators (MSZ-FH) and Condensors (MUZ-FH). More Details for MSZ-FH, split system hyper-heat heat pump evaporators (MSZ-FH) and condensors (MUZ-FH), 30.5 SEER, 9,000 Btu/h – 15,000 Btu/h, hyper-heat heat pumps, single-room use, and wall-mounted evaporators.
MSZ-HM Ductless Highlights
- Trane/Mitsubishi wall mount indoor unit
- Up to 18 SEER rating
- Washable filters
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