Air Conditioning 102
Installation, cost considerations, refrigerants and common myths about your A/C unit
How long does it take to install an air conditioner?
Class 2 of 8

Class 2 of 8
Cost Savings of a New Air Conditioner
Class 3 of 8

Class 3 of 8
Changes in HVAC Refrigerants: What You Need to Know
Class 4 of 8

Class 4 of 8
Bad Air Conditioner Installation - Signs to Look Out For
Class 5 of 8

Class 5 of 8
The Definitive List of Air Conditioning Myths
Class 6 of 8

Class 6 of 8
Air Conditioners and Aesthetics: Your Questions Answered
Class 7 of 8

Class 7 of 8
What is HVAC Commissioning and Why is it Important?
Class 8 of 8

Class 8 of 8
For those with a good understanding of basic cooling principles, this track digs deeper into service, repair, and advanced concepts that can help you get the most from you’re A/C system.