Become an HVAC Expert With Our Comprehensive Learning Tracks
With our learning tracks, you'll be able to follow a curated path that leads from beginner's classes all the way up through advanced HVAC topics and track your progress along the way.
Cost of an Air Conditioner in 2025: Replacing Your AC Unit
Class 2 of 6

Class 2 of 6
What's The Right Size of Air Conditioner for Your Home?
Class 3 of 6

Class 3 of 6
One-Stage, Two-Stage & Variable-Speed ACs: Differences & Benefits
Class 4 of 6

Class 4 of 6
What’s a Seer Rating? - Buying a New Air Conditioner
Class 5 of 6

Class 5 of 6
How Long Do Air Conditioners Last?
Class 6 of 6

Class 6 of 6
Single-Stage, Two-Stage and Modulating Furnaces
Class 2 of 5

Class 2 of 5
What's an AFUE Rating?
Class 3 of 5

Class 3 of 5
Heat Pump vs. Furnace: Which System Is Right For You?
Class 4 of 5

Class 4 of 5
How Much Does a New Furnace Cost in 2025?
Class 5 of 5

Class 5 of 5
Air Conditioning Learning Tracks
Learn air conditioning basics: everything you need to know about A/C systems.
Air Conditioning 101
Learn the basics of cooling your home and choosing the right system
Cost of an Air Conditioner in 2025: Replacing Your AC Unit
Class 2 of 6

Class 2 of 6
What's The Right Size of Air Conditioner for Your Home?
Class 3 of 6

Class 3 of 6
One-Stage, Two-Stage & Variable-Speed ACs: Differences & Benefits
Class 4 of 6

Class 4 of 6
What’s a Seer Rating? - Buying a New Air Conditioner
Class 5 of 6

Class 5 of 6
How Long Do Air Conditioners Last?
Class 6 of 6

Class 6 of 6
Air Conditioning 102
Installation, cost considerations, refrigerants and common myths about your A/C unit
How long does it take to install an air conditioner?
Class 2 of 8

Class 2 of 8
Cost Savings of a New Air Conditioner
Class 3 of 8

Class 3 of 8
Changes in HVAC Refrigerants: What You Need to Know
Class 4 of 8

Class 4 of 8
Bad Air Conditioner Installation - Signs to Look Out For
Class 5 of 8

Class 5 of 8
The Definitive List of Air Conditioning Myths
Class 6 of 8

Class 6 of 8
Air Conditioners and Aesthetics: Your Questions Answered
Class 7 of 8

Class 7 of 8
What is HVAC Commissioning and Why is it Important?
Class 8 of 8

Class 8 of 8
Learning Tracks To Keep Your Home Warm
Keep out the cool & get your home ready for winter with our easy to follow heating learning tracks.
Heating Your Home 101
Get ready for winter with our homeowner’s guide to heating your home
Single-Stage, Two-Stage and Modulating Furnaces
Class 2 of 5

Class 2 of 5
What's an AFUE Rating?
Class 3 of 5

Class 3 of 5
Heat Pump vs. Furnace: Which System Is Right For You?
Class 4 of 5

Class 4 of 5
How Much Does a New Furnace Cost in 2025?
Class 5 of 5

Class 5 of 5
Heating Your Home 102
Advanced heating topics including repairs, system comparisons, troubleshooting problems and common myths
Bad Furnace Installation - What To Watch Out For
Class 2 of 8

Class 2 of 8
Gas vs Electric Furnaces - Which is Right for You?
Class 3 of 8

Class 3 of 8
Should I Repair or Replace My Furnace? Factors & Costs
Class 4 of 8

Class 4 of 8
A Guide to High-Efficiency Furnaces (Savings, Environmental Impact)
Class 5 of 8

Class 5 of 8
The Definitive List of Home Heating Myths
Class 6 of 8

Class 6 of 8
Furnace Troubleshooting: Common Heating Problems & Repairs
Class 7 of 8

Class 7 of 8
4 Ways To Heat Your Home This Winter
Class 8 of 8

Class 8 of 8