Carrier's 25VNA0 Heat Pump
Explore the Carrier 25VNA0 Heat Pump
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Details on the Carrier 25VNA0 Heat Pump
The Infinity series heat pump with Greenspeed intelligence is the first of its kind. No other ducted, air source heat pump can beat its 13 HSPF rating for heating efficiency. It's a winner too, when it comes to cooling. But perhaps the biggest story is what it can do for your home comfort. Greenspeed intelligence is created by pairing adaptable-speed technology with our Infinity control's intelligence. The unique, variable-speed compressor of this unit, when managed by the Infinity control as part of a complete Infinity system, allows it to literally adapt its output to the needs of the home. With infinite adjustments between 40 and 100% capacity, it gives the home only the amount of cooling or heating necessary. This allows the system to operate longer at steadier, lower capacities, which ensures incredible energy efficiency and quiet operation with tighter temperature control than standard systems.
25VNA0 Heat Pump Highlights
- Carrier's most efficient Heat pump
- Up to 20.5 SEER ratings
- Low Dba sound levels
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