March 12th, 2020
My name is Scott Merritt and I am the Owner of Fire & Ice. I have spent 14 of the last 16 years working on a local Search & Rescue/Disaster Response Team. I have considerable training in Pandemic/Disaster scenarios. Here are the items I have implemented a few weeks back to combat the spread of the virus with those with whom we have contact with.
#1 Our Office and Warehouse Facilities are washed and sanitized daily with only the strongest of germ-killing cleansers
#2 Our Company Vehicle interiors are wiped down daily with Lysol and Clorox wipes
#3 Our Employees are asked to stay home if they are under the weather or are showing any signs of illness
#4 Our Office has multiple 2-liter containers of Purell throughout
#5 Extensive training on what COVID-19 is, how to prevent it, including washing of hands and face regularly throughout the day has been enforced with each employee, based upon CDC (Center for Disease Control) and WHO (World Health Organization) recommendations.
#6 Information Packets have been sent to every employee household that describes all of the above-mentioned information as well as diagrams from the CDC and WHO on the facts of COVID-19, causes and effects, as well as personal hygiene standards required to remain safe.
#7 No employee of F&I is allowed to start working without a forehead temperature reading being taken each day.
#8 We have instituted Social Distancing keeping all staff members apart 6.
#9 No contact service calls.
Addressing in-home customer service
We will continue to provide all services as usual. All employees who enter your home are armed with Nitrile/Latex Gloves, plastic Booties, Face Mask and a small bottle of Purell. If you have any questions or concerns about installations or in-home consultations, we are here to address them and offer flexibility to reschedule at your convenience. Please contact us at 614-842-2100 for anything.