Litter 101
Learn about the damage that litter can do to our environment, and the solutions we can work towards.
How Litter Harms Humans, Animals, and the Environment
Class 2 of 4

Class 2 of 4
Litter: What Is It, Where Does It Come From, and Why Is It a Problem?
Class 3 of 4

Class 3 of 4
History of Litter: Problems and Solutions From the Ancient Syrians to the Present Day
Class 4 of 4

Class 4 of 4
Disposing of trash has always been an issue. Cities have tried numerous ways to dispose of refuse - with some successes and some failures. The problem has become more acute over the centuries, especially so in the last few decades as the population has grown and grown. It’s a complicated issue, and so the ways to fight it are equally complicated.