Aprilaire's 801 Humidifier
Explore the Aprilaire 801 Humidifier
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Quick Overview
Details on the Aprilaire 801 Humidifier
If you’re looking to humidify your whole home but need a more robust unit than a traditional in-duct humidifier, then look no farther than the Aprilaire Modulating Steam Humidifier. Operating independently of your HVAC system, this humidifier will evenly distribute up to 34.6 gallons of moisture to spaces as large as 6,200 square feet. Its modulating output allows it reach a tighter humidity control than other steam humidifiers, within 3% of your desired set point. This unique modulation makes it ideal for homes and buildings with delicate furniture, paintings, and musical instruments. The Aprilaire Model 801 Modulating Steam Humidifier is best for: Homes with HVAC system ducting where attic and crawl space installation is feasible. Homes in areas of the country that experience milder winters.
801 Humidifier Highlights
- Steam humidifier
- Used where bypass units are less practical
- Can work on homes up to 4000 square feet
Let's Talk About the Benefits of an Aprilaire Humidifier
Mark talks about the benefits to having an Aprilaire whole-house Humidifier in your home.
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Health and Savings Benefits With an Aprilaire Humidifier
Fire & Ice's Install Manager, Josh, covers the health and savings benefits an Aprilaire humidifier can bring to your home.
View the transcription of this video and find more videos in our Learning Center.
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